Video Marketing and the Influencer Impact: Shaping the Future of Brands

Just Imagine you’re scrolling through your favorite social media platform, and suddenly, a video catches your eye. It’s not your typical marketing ad; it’s entertaining, and utterly unforgettable. In just a few seconds, it leaves a lasting impression on your mind, and you find yourself clicking that “share” button. That is the undeniable power of video marketing. In a world flooded with content, video marketing stands out as the not-so-secret sauce that can spice up your brand and make it sizzle in the digital age. 

Take the case of Blend It Up, a small smoothie shop tucked away in a bustling city corner in Kennesaw. Armed with nothing but a blender, fresh fruits, and a creative spirit, Blend It Up decided to take the plunge into video marketing. They whipped up a short, quirky video series called “Smoothie Adventures with Chef Berry.” In each episode, Chef Berry embarked on wild quests to find exotic fruits, all while blending up mouthwatering concoctions. Within weeks, Blend It Up’s videos became the talk of the town – All thanks to the magic of video marketing. 

Why Video Marketing?

Video marketing is unparalleled in its ability to captivate and engage audiences. Visual and auditory elements combined with storytelling have the power to evoke emotions and leave a lasting impression. A well-crafted video can convey complex messages in a way that’s both memorable and easy to understand. It’s no wonder that people are more likely to remember video content compared to text or static images.

In March 2022, Lemonlight launched a video marketing survey to gain a deeper understanding of the ways our own audience interacts with video. 

Guess what? According to the survey by Lemonlight, a whopping 82% of the folks said they’ve been cooking up video content in the past three years. And here’s the twist: about one-third of them did it all by themselves, like solo superheroes, while the other two-thirds got some outside help, like having a video-making buddy. Now, hold onto your hats because a whopping 92% of these cool marketers think that video is going to be the superstar of marketing in the coming years. Yup, you heard that right! And guess what? 93% of these marketing champs are planning to make videos a part of their secret marketing recipe for the next few years. Last year, only 82% were in on this video secret, so you can see that it’s still soaring high. And here’s the real kicker: 90% of the respondents said they either ‘super love’ or ‘kind of like’ watching brand videos online. Only a tiny 4% said they don’t really dig watching brand videos at all. So, it looks like we’re in for some video fun times ahead! These findings highlight the growing importance and effectiveness of video marketing in engaging audiences and conveying brand messages in a compelling way.

How Influencers are getting into the picture?

Influencers today are leveraging video platforms in innovative ways to promote brands effectively. Influencers create in-depth video reviews and demonstrations of products or services. These videos showcase the features and benefits, provide a firsthand look at the product in action, and offer honest opinions. Viewers trust these authentic reviews and often make purchase decisions based on them. In most of these videos, Influencers provide behind-the-scenes glimpses into their lives and the brand’s operations. These videos humanize the brand and foster a sense of connection with the audience.

Here’s an example of video marketing by an influencer on TikTok:

Source : TikTok

Influencer: Sarah’s Fashion Finds (Username: @SarahFashionFinds)

The video begins with Sarah, a popular fashion influencer known for her impeccable style, sitting in a coffee shop in a casual yet trendy style. In the video, she has given references of what she is wearing and how a normal person can have the same style on a low budget. The influencer provides valuable fashion tips and hacks, such as layering a trendy blazer over a basic tee, adding statement jewelry for a touch of glam, and pairing budget-friendly heels or flats with the outfit. She explains the features, materials, and reasons why each piece is a must-have for the season and where to buy them.  As she presents each item, catchy music plays in the background, enhancing the video’s upbeat and fun vibe. Sarah’s authenticity, style, and ability to connect with her audience make her video marketing campaign successful in driving interest and sales in the world of fashion.

When we talk about Video Marketing platforms, Influencers are using multiple video platforms, such as YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat, to reach a wider audience. They adapt their content to suit each platform’s unique format and audience demographics. They actively are engaging with their audience by responding to comments, conducting polls, and asking for viewer input. This interaction builds a loyal and engaged community.

There are a lot of video marketing Apps that are trending and the influencers are making full use of the platforms. Tik Tok is one of them. TikTok’s short-form video format took the world by storm, making it a popular platform for businesses to engage with younger audiences through creative and entertaining videos. It’s important to note that successful influencer marketing on TikTok relies on a genuine and authentic connection between the influencer, the brand, and their audience. The most effective campaigns are those where the influencer’s values align with the brand’s message, resulting in a seamless and impactful promotion. 

Influencers like @dinameetsworld often review and recommend products or services they genuinely enjoy. They create engaging videos highlighting the features and benefits of the brand’s offerings.

source: Instagram

Unboxing videos are popular on TikTok. Influencers like Dina showcase the excitement of receiving a product and sharing their initial impressions. This format generates curiosity and anticipation among viewers. Influencers often go live to interact with their audience in real-time. Brands can sponsor live events where influencers discuss and showcase their products or services. 

In Video CTA’s ( Call To Action) : Encouraging Engagement and Action

Influencers incorporate CTAs within their videos, directing viewers to visit a brand’s website, use a discount code, or participate in a giveaway, driving traffic and conversions. A well-executed CTA serves as a guiding prompt for the audience, encouraging them to engage with the influencer’s content and take specific actions, such as interacting with the brand or making a purchase. Influencers often initiate interactive challenges in their videos, inviting their followers to participate. For instance, they might create a dance challenge, cooking challenge, or creative challenge related to the brand’s product. The CTA encourages viewers to recreate the challenge and share their own videos, thereby expanding the brand’s reach and generating user-generated content. Influencers ask their audience to engage with the video by liking, commenting, and sharing. They may pose questions, seek opinions, or ask for personal stories related to the brand or its products. This engagement not only boosts the video’s visibility but also creates a sense of community around the brand.

Clickable Links:

In their video descriptions or captions, influencers can include clickable links to the brand’s website, product page, or special offers. By prompting viewers to “swipe up” or “click the link,” influencers drive traffic directly to the brand’s online platform, making it easier for viewers to take the desired action, such as making a purchase.

Discount Codes and Coupons, Contests and Giveaways: 

Influencers host contests or giveaways in collaboration with the brand. The CTA encourages viewers to participate by following specific steps, such as liking the video, following the influencer and the brand, tagging friends, or using a specific hashtag. These contests generate excitement, user engagement, and brand visibility.

Source: Instagram

The above screenshot shows a bookstagrammer promoting pride month book giveaways and creating online contests for participants to follow. Instagram offers various video features, including Stories, IGTV, and Reels. Businesses use these features to share behind-the-scenes content, product demos, and engaging visuals.

Influencers often share exclusive discount codes or coupons provided by the brand. They encourage their audience to use these codes when making a purchase, ensuring that their followers receive a special offer. This not only incentivizes purchases but also tracks the effectiveness of the influencer’s promotion.

Subscriptions and Follows: 

Social Media Shenanigans! Now, here’s where things get fun! Influencers become your online hype captains to promote the brand’s social media accounts, newsletters, or subscription services. They encourage their followers to follow the brand for updates, subscribe to newsletters for exclusive content, or engage with the brand’s posts, thereby increasing the brand’s online presence and audience engagement. They might say something like, “Hey, lovely people, join the party over at Brand’s social media kingdom. We’ve got juicy updates, sneak peeks, and prizes. Follow them, and let’s keep the good times rolling!” 

Sometimes, they’ll say,”Want extra special stuff? Subscribe to the brand’s newsletter. It’s like getting secret messages, and you’ll be in on all the cool things before anyone else!” 

And guess what? They’ll ask you to chat with the brand, like leaving comments or sharing your thoughts. It’s like joining a big online party, making the brand famous, and everyone’s invited! 

And there you have it, folks! Video marketing by influencers is like a wacky dance party on the internet. Influencers are your digital buddies who make brands look cool and fun. They chat, they show stuff, and they make you want to join in on the excitement.

So, remember, in the world of online videos, influencers are your trusty sidekicks, helping brands shine bright in the digital spotlight. Keep watching, keep liking, and let the video magic continue! 

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Mansi Narula Kashyap, a Delhiite with a flair for Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, traded the corporate hustle (even survived Clifford Chance LLP, London!) for the whimsical world of a full-time writer. Beyond spinning tales, she orchestrates the show at Kosmc.AI, leading content endeavors. Now calling Minnesota home, Mansi has authored four books and worked her word-wizardry editing a multitude of books from writers worldwide, even lending a hand in the publishing realm. Living the writer's dream with a splash of Midwest charm!

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